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Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd.’s customer, passenger and marketing register

This is Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd.’s register and data protection statement, according to data protection law (1050/2018), EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and law on accommodation and catering operations (308/2006).

The register has been updated on 14 January 2025.


Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd.
Apteekintie 5, 83900 Juuka
Company ID: 3319890-6
tel. 050 351 7490

Contact person in matters concerning the register

In matters related to the register and the use of the customer’s rights, the contact person is Marjo Pääskyvuori, tel. 050 351 7490, email:

Registry name

Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd.’s customer, passenger and marketing register (later customer register)

Purposes of personal data processing

Information from the customer register is used by Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd. for managing, maintaining and developing customer relationships, selling and producing services, planning and developing business operations, and for Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd.’s communication and marketing of services.

Personal data to be processed

The registrar processes the following personal and business data about customers and business customers:

  • customer’s first and last name, business name and company ID, telephone number, address, e-mail address
  • other information regarding overnight guests and the organization of services (such as special diets)
  • means of payment and billing information.

In addition, for the passenger register, information is collected from the passenger declaration according to the law on accommodation and catering operations (308/2006).

Cookies and analytics

We use cookies on our site, the purpose of which is to make transactions faster and smoother. A cookie is a small text file that the web server stores on the user’s hard drive. Some of the site’s content may require the use of cookies to function properly.

You can easily delete cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser. The user’s web browser probably accepts cookies with ready-made default settings, but the user can also prevent the use of cookies from the browser settings or by deleting cookies from the browser after using the service. More information about browser-specific usage can be found in the browser manufacturer’s instructions.

We track the site’s visitor data with the site’s own analytics tool and Google Analytics. You can prevent their use by denying cookies.

Collection of personal data

The information to be recorded in the register is received from the customer verbally or in writing, e.g. from the www form, by email, by phone, through social media services, contracts and other situations where the customer gives their information with their own consent.

Recipients or groups of recipients of personal data

Only Matkailukeskus Puu-Juuka Ltd.’s staff or, where necessary, other people who have the right to access it due to their work, such as information system administrators and service partners, can access the information on the register. All users of the register are bound by a duty of confidentiality.

Customer register information will not be passed on to a third party. Information can be disclosed to the authorities based on requests for information and information based on the law.

The information is not disclosed to other parties in accordance with the rules, except for the statutory handover of accommodation cards to the authorities.

Information stored in the customer register is not transferred outside the EU or EEA.

Personal data retention period

The passenger information in the customer register is stored for one year from the date it was entered, after which it is destroyed.

During the customer relationship, only information that is necessary for the defined purposes of use is processed. The registrar regularly performs periodic inspections to remove unnecessary data. Mainly, after the customer leaves, part of the data is deleted.

Customer data can be stored longer for the company’s own direct marketing in the case of people and companies who have given permission for their data to be used for direct marketing.

Customer rights

The data provider has the rights and opportunities to delete or check their own data if they wish.

If the customer does not want to hand over their information to the company, the company cannot serve the customer.

For questions related to the processing of personal data and in situations related to exercising one’s own rights, the data subject can contact the registrar’s contact person mentioned in point 2. A request regarding the right of inspection or other request regarding the exercise of the data subject’s rights must be made to the registrar in writing either by e-mail or by post. The request can also be submitted in person at the registered office.

The registrar can ask the customer to specify in a sufficient manner which data or processing operations the request applies to.

To ensure that personal data is not disclosed to anyone other than the registered person in connection with the use of the registered person’s rights, the registrar may, if necessary, ask the registered person to submit signed inspection requests. The registrar can also ask the person making the request to prove their identity with an official ID or another reliable way.

Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

The customer has the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if the customer considers that the registrar has not complied with data protection regulations in its operations.

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